Angels whispers in the breeze
carrying God´s miracles on downy wings
Going forth to where they are told
having no particular agenda on their own
** * **
They join hands when God says;
"Circle round, someone is in need or feeling down"
Prayers are whispered into the wind
until from heaven a miracle is sent
** * ** They gather round and form a ring
an impenetrable barrier of Angels wings
They whisper to us;
"Courage, strength and hope"
and they encamp when we need them the most
** * **Voices are soft as the feather is light
call across the distance to those out of sight
From every corner of the earth that knows the wind
Angels gather quickly an on us descend
** * **
Celestial beings through witch God´s love flows
he sends us his Angels
when we need them the most
*** ** * ** ***
( Author Unknown )
12 kommentarer:
beautiful poem..x Dreamwalker...
Önskar dig en fin Helg
So very very beautiful. I have always always loved to read what you have written for its in your heart and soul.
Welcome back my dear friend.
Dear Sister of My Heart, I love every poem you write and every poem you share. This loving poem had me remember a Bible verse in the book of Psalms. "He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways." NKJV Love you always, with all my heart. May God send His angles to watch over, and to protect you dear sister. God bless you. With love and care from Kerrie. xOx
GOD morgon Så har jag då äntligen hittat åt dig & din vackra poesis innerliga & kloka ord
Det är ju ALLA HJÄRTANS dag idag Så en hälsning & en KRAM från mig lämnar jag till dig
All GOTT & Allt VÄL önskar jag dig
Thank you so much for stopping in so I could find you here. Your words that you find and your own that you create are always such an inspiration to me. This one truly brings a smile to my heart. Now perhaps my visits here will inspire me again. Wishing you a wonderful day filled with the whispers of angels around you. Hugs Carrie
Just coming by to say I have been thinking of you. Many Hugs Carrie
What a lovely angel poem...
I am happy your poems are in English now so I can read them.
Lucia Hälsning
Hi there, this is so beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris
Just came by to wish you a wonderful summer. I don't have so much time for here on the internet anymore. Out living life again. Hope all is going well in your life.
Hugs Carrie
Tittar in och undrar om du haft en fin sommar och om allt är bra med dig?
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